Magical Anointing Oil 101: The Lovers and 10P
In tarot, there is a card for every season of life and every sort of vibe, situation, and need. I named these oils after tarot cards in the major and minor arcana that reflect and correspond with their intended uses and energy signatures. Their use really is almost unlimited.
The purpose of a magical anointing oil is to act as an energetic anchor and tool to add layers of intentions to rituals and ceremonies. By anointing candles in ritual oils before burning, you are adding another layer of power to that spellwork, because the oil itself is infused with herbs and energies that support what your goal is. You can use a ritual oil or blessed oil in beauty rituals, cleaning rituals, protection and clearing work, manifesting abundance love and prosperity rituals, you name it.
The magical anointing oils used to have different names, so if you’re an OG client, you’re probably wondering where the old favorites went. They’re still here!
The Lovers = Heaux
10 of Pentacles = Money
Reversal = Evil Eye
The Star = Chill
7 of Wands = Armor
The High Priestess = Psychic